Who do I call if my partner hits me?

Multiple studies have confirmed a correlation between football tournaments and spikes in domestic abuse incidents. Research conducted by Lancaster University revealed a 38% increase in domestic abuse reports when England loses and a 26% increase when they win or draw.

If you are the victim of domestic violence at any time – this is who you should call.

If you are in immediate danger, call the Police on 999. They can respond quickly to protect you.

Contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline at 0808 2000 247. This is a free, 24-hour helpline run in partnership with Women’s Aid and Refuge that provides confidential support and advice.

If you’re not comfortable speaking on the phone, you can use the Women’s Aid Live Chat service for online support.

For male victims, the Men’s Advice Line is available at 0808 801 0327 zero.

LGBT+ individuals can contact the National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline at 0800 999 5428.

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