What should a parenting plan include?

A parenting plan is a crucial document that helps separated or divorced parents establish structure and stability for their child. Every parenting plan will be different according to the family situation and needs. An effective parenting plan should include the following key components:

Details of living and visiting arrangements. A plan should specify where and who the child lives with, and details of the time a child will spend with each parent.

A plan should specify how big decisions concerning the child will be made. These can include which school the child will attend, medical matters and religion.

A plan should include rules for communicating with the other parent and child, and how important information will be shared.

A plan should record financial matters such as agreements as to the payment of child maintenance and other expenses.

A plan should specify the amount of notice that should be given when booking a holiday, and also how childcare responsibilities will be shared and managed during term breaks? 

Agreements concerning the introduction of new partners, and the involvement of extended family members such as grandparents and extended family.

Arrangements for special occasions such as birthdays, and other significant events.

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