What is a DIY divorce?

A Do-It-Yourself (DIY) divorce is where someone takes full responsibility in handling their own divorce proceedings without hiring a Solicitor or using professional legal services.

One of the main benefits of a DIY divorce is no legal costs, apart from the Court fee, and more control over the process.

While a DIY divorce can save money, it is important to note that it can also carry the following risks.

The potential for an unfair financial agreement due to lack of legal knowledge.

Overlooking important legal rights or entitlements such as applying for the Final Order before a financial agreement is reached.

Mistakes in the court process and paperwork that could result in delays or rejections by the court.

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The Family Law Specialists is the trading name of The Family Law Specialists Limited, a private limited company registered in England & Wales under company number 15318261 with the registered office at, 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX. We do not accept service of proceedings. © The Family Law Specialists. All rights reserved.

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