What are the benefits of an amicable divorce?

An amicable divorce can significantly reduce the emotional strain on both parties. Parties can move on with their lives and start the healing process sooner. 

By avoiding lengthy court battles, couples can achieve fairer and more satisfactory outcomes.

By settling finances without a court battle, you will retain more assets to share between you.

Amicable divorces make effective co-parenting easier.

Divorcing amicably sets the foundation for a healthier life after divorce, and a better future relationship with your ex.

Settling financial matters amicably is far quicker than court proceedings. At present an average contested case takes no less than 2 years from start to finish. An amicable settlement can be achieved within 6 months.

Parties are in control of their financial future, instead of a Judge imposing a decision which neither of you may like.

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