Does my ex-girlfriend need to include my name on my child’s birth certificate?

In the United Kingdom there is no legal requirement to include an unmarried father’s name on a child’s birth certificate. The mother has the right to choose whether or not to do so.

An unmarried father cannot register his name on the birth certificate unless the mother agrees.

This can have significant implications for an unmarried father as this will limit his rights to see the child, and make decisions about the child’s upbringing. 

To remedy this situation an unmarried father has the following options:

A father could apply to the Court for a Declaration of Parentage.

With the mother’s agreement the birth can be re-registered at a later date and the father’s name added to the birth certificate.

If the mother agrees, it is possible to enter into a Parental Responsibility Agreement which will provide the father with the same legal rights and responsibilities towards the child as the mother. 

If the mother refuses to agree, it would be necessary to apply to the Court for a Parental Responsibility Order.

By marrying the child’s mother, the father will automatically gain Parental Responsibility.

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