What is a section 8 order in family law?

A Section 8 order is a set of 3 court orders under the Children Act 1989 that are designed to resolve disputes regarding arrangements for children regarding their upbringing or welfare. The different types of court orders are:

A Child Arrangements order – This order determines who a child will live with or spend time with, replacing the previous concepts of residence and contact orders.

A Prohibited Steps order – This order prevent someone named in the order (not necessarily a parent) from carrying out a specific act without the agreement of the court. For example, removing a child from the jurisdiction, or changing their surname.

A Specific Issue order is used when the people who have parental responsibility cannot agree on what should be done. It deals with a specific single issue related to a child’s upbringing, such as concerning a child’s education, whether a child should receive a particular medical treatment, or disputes concerning holidays.

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