Marital affairs at Christmas.

While Christmas is a time to spend with loved ones, it can also be a time for temptation. Surveys conducted in recent years reveal that a significant number of people admitted to having an extramarital affair during the Christmas period.

Several factors contribute to cheating over Christmas which include:

Office Christmas parties and increased socialising with colleagues can provide more opportunities for affairs to begin.

Alcohol consumption at Christmas can cloud judgment and lower inhibitions. For others, an escape from an unhappy relationship and the desire for excitement may drive people to seek affairs.

Cheating whilst married or in a relationship can manifest in various forms, including emotional, sexual, or a combination of both. Under no-fault divorce, it is no longer necessary to prove adultery as a ground for divorce. As long as a person considers their marriage or civil partnership to have irretrievably broken down (for whatever reason), they are able to commence divorce or dissolution proceedings.

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